By default, vSphere Web Client sessions terminate after 120 minutes of idle time. You can change the timeout value by editing the file.
1. On the vSphere Web Client Server, locate the file.
The location of this file depends on the operating system on which the vSphere Web Client is installed.
Operating System: File path
Windows 2003: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application Data\VMware\vSphere Web Client
Windows 2008: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\vSphere Web Client
vCenter Server Appliance: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client
2. Edit the file to include the line session.timeout = value where value is the timeout value in minutes.
To set the client to never time out, specify 0 value for the timeout.
3. Restart the vSphere Web Client service.
On Windows operating systems, restart the VMware vSphere Web Client service.
On the vCenter Server Appliance, restart the vSphere-client service.